ISO 27001 Certification is provided by us. We are a Certification Body accredited by ESYD. ESYD is a European accreditation board.
We provide competent ISO 27001 auditors and perform a pre-assessment of the Information security management system.
During the pre-assessment inspection, we check the completeness of system documentation (manual, procedures, instructions, forms, etc.) and implementation (Archives) under the International Standard ISO 27001.
Gaps are identified by the audit team. The company then defines the appropriate period of time within which the necessary corrective actions will take place.
After corrective actions are taken, the certification audit takes place. In this audit, the whole system is audited. Effectiveness of all corrective actions is checked.
If the Assessment inspection does not record any non-compliances to the ISO 27001 Standard then we issue the ISO 27001 Certification.
In the case of recorded non-compliances the Company must take further corrective actions.